Vehicle registration
2. Vehicle registration2.1. Transportation means are registered in the name of natural persons who have reached the age of 18, bicycles with a pod-type engine, mopeds and motocycles are registered in the name of natural persons who have reached the age of 16, excluding registration of inherited transportation means. When transportation means are registered in the name of a juvenile heir/heiress, a name, surname or patronymic of his/her parent, foster father/mother (adopter), guardian is shown in a registration document and deregistration of such transportation means without consent of a guardianship and trusteeship body is prohibited.
2.2. Natural person's transportation means are registered by their permanent or temporary (in the absence of permanent registration) place of residence.
It is allowable to register a vehicle at the place of residence of its owner's relatives or at the previous place of residence to where an owner returns back after termination of a contract period, completing education, or military service under bipartite written agreement when causes hindering owner's registration by the place of residence appear (owner's going to a temporary work place under a contract, for studying, military service or to a place where driving a vehicle is impossible for other reason). In these cases an owner of a vehicle should present confirming documents on the above-mentioned matters.
2.3. Legal person's transportation means are registered by their location site at the state registration bodies. Transportation means under usage of non-legal person branches, sections and other components of office, enterprise and organizations may be registered at their location sites. In this case, in a registration certificate of a vehicle, a name, an address of an owner-legal entity and additionally, an address of a branch using a vehicle are shown.
2.4. Except motor transport means manufactured by machine-building plants and under the technical conditions confirmed by the Ministry of Defense, when motor transport means are registered, owners should present to a registration point a certificate (its xerocopy) issued by the State Traffic Police Department in connection with ensuring traffic security of vehicle construction. If there are conditions confining movement conditions of a vehicle, appropriate notes on a content of a restriction are taken in a vehicle registration certificate and record card.
2.5. There should be color and identification signs conformable to the state standard "Operational service vehicles, colored graphical schemes, identification signs, special light and sonic signals" and other standards, as well as regional standards prepared on their basis on the special vehicles to which these standards are referred.
2.6. Bodies realizing state registration of vehicles should carry out state registration and permanent record-keeping, issue of vehicle registration certificate and state registration signs of a vehicle within 30 minutes after giving due documents by a vehicle owner and or other person entitled to give order and presenting a vehicle or payment of the state duty, fine imposed in case of administrative violation against the rules of traffic and road safety, which have entered into force in respect of the owner of the vehicle or other person entitled to dispose of it, and the execution of which has not been postponed or delayed to a check-up for the purpose of comparing its engine, body and chassis numbers and color. If the submitted documents are found to contain drawbacks, the applicant shall be notified of them and state registration shall be conducted after they have been eliminated.
State registration and permanent registration of vehicles, issuance of registration certificate and state registration plate, as well as actions related to the inspection and technical inspection of the vehicle are carried out continuously during the working day.
Delivery of documents on cases of administrative offenses against the rules of traffic and traffic safety, which can not be delivered in accordance with Articles 57.1-57.4 and 97.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan, should be provided during state registration and permanent registration of vehicles, issuance of registration certificate and state registration plate
Vehicle inspection and technical inspection is carried out in places equipped with special equipment in conditions that exclude the formation of queues.
An official checkup is executed by an auditor (inspector) or a chief auditor (chief inspector) of the same bodies. A proper note is taken or a report is drawn up and attested by a seal in connection with a checkup result.
2.6-1. The vehicle is inspected after state registration and permanent registration for the purpose of comparing its engine, body and chassis numbers and color. The vehicle is not inspected related to the state registration and permanent registration in the following cases:
2.6-1.1. If the period provided for in part VI-II of Article 30 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On traffic” has not expired from the date of production of the vehicle registered in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the first time;
2.6-1.2. If a vehicle registered in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan was technically inspected within the period specified in Part VI of Article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Traffic”.
In case of detection of faults specified in Parts I and II of Annex 1 to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Road Traffic” during the technical inspection, the applicant is informed and the vehicle is registered and permanently registered after removing it.
2.7. If it is impossible to provide a transport vehicle for registration activities due to technical deficiencies and other reasons, the owner of the transport vehicle shall indicate such reasons in the application and pay a duty for the service to be provided by the bodies conducting state registration of transport vehicles. The said bodies shall, within five days from the date of submission of a receipt confirming payment of the duty, inspect the transport vehicle at its location to verify the engine, body and chassis number, as well as the color.
Note. If the last day of the deadline indicated in this paragraph falls on a day-off, the following working day shall be considered to be the deadline.
2.8. A vehicle owner or other person entitled to give order should present the following documents to bodies realizing state registration of vehicles within the period stipulated in this Regulation for carrying out state registration and permanent record-keeping of a vehicle, issuing registration certificate and state registration signs and performing other registration acts:
1) application;
2) An identification card of a citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic (a card on registration of a foreigner in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic or an identification card of a person without citizenship for usage within the Azerbaijan Republic);
3) An appropriate document or court decision confirming ownership of the transport vehicle in an order established by legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic;
4) A receipt on payment of duties (excluding re-registration of vehicles) or taxes established by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic;
5) clearance document issued by customs bodies for the transport vehicle purchased in a foreign state and imported to the Azerbaijan Republic by legal entities and private individuals, document on withdrawal of the transport vehicle from permanent registration in the state in which it was initially registered, its registration or transit «number plate».
2.8-1. The owner of the vehicle or another person who has the right to dispose of it may apply to the state registration authorities in electronic form via the Internet related to the state registration and permanent registration of a vehicle, getting a registration certificate and a state registration plate. Bodies realizing state registration of vehicles determines the queue of the applicants through the "Electronic Queue" management system to regulate the sequence of admission of applicants and informs them about it (indicating date and time) in the same manner.
2.8-2. The electronic list of documents required for the state registration and the electronic form of the relevant documents (application and other), as well as the acceptance of documents in electronic form shall be provided in the electronic service section of the official internet information resource of the body carrying out the state registration of vehicles. The applicant may submit the completed application and scanned copies of other documents specified in Paragraph 2.8 of this Regulation in electronic form to the state registration body. In the event the authenticity of the scanned copies of the documents is in doubt by an official of the state registration body, electronic information resources maintained by government agencies are used to get information on relevant documents, if it is impossible, the applicants are required to submit the original copy of the documents.
2.8-3. While carrying out the state registration (including re-state registration) of the vehicle provided for in sub-item 1 of item 1.2 of this Regulation, individuals should submit their address of registration and residence, mobile phone number and, if any, e-mail address and driving license number, and legal entities (government agencies) should submit the relevant information of the person (driver) to the state registration authority and the information should be updated within three days if it is changed. If this information is not submitted, the vehicle cannot be registered. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic should provide appropriate opportunities for electronic transmission and updating of information by telephone, mail and the Internet.
2.9. Legality of vehicle ownership, purchasing and getting numbered aggregates are confirmed by the following documents:
acceptance certificate from the manufacturer or the factory which installed special equipment on the transport vehicle, and the invoice on the sale of the transport vehicle issued by the manufacturer. In the event of loss of the acceptance certificate, one of the following documents may be submitted;
An invoice issued by railway in connection with shipment of vehicle to the enterprise, a reference, issued by the manufacturing plant (vehicle chassis and body numbers written), passport, a certificate of a manufacturing plant;
a final invoice issued by commission and trade organizations;
an invoice given to citizens' property by the Ministry of Defense and due bodies of other armed units except the case of its sale, a final act of a military unit and an act on operating conditions;
a reference of social security bodies in relation to giving hand-driven cars or motor waggons;
a deed of gift, share and cancellation agreement attested in a legislatively defined manner; or certificates relating to assigning property and inheritance rights on a vehicle
agreement of purchase and sale (Annex No.1 to the regulation) or Contract for Change (Annex No.2 to the regulation) compiled between a vehicle owner and a buyer in writing and certified at the Registration-exam points of the State Traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic. An irrefutable term of correctness of a concluded contract is the presence of a seller and buyer (persons empowered by them) at the registration point. a certificate of acceptance and a document on payment of the value of a vehicle or its copy and other documents, provided in appropriate legislation, are required when legal persons' vehicles are sold and procured.
Other documents provided by the relevant legislation.
2.10. New vehicles brought to the republic by enterprises, organizations and companies with legal status, registered at the State Traffic Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic, qualified in sale and purchase of vehicles, for sale purposes are registered in the name of legal and natural persons, under customs documents for bringing these vehicles to the republic, a final invoice on sale, transit signs and other due documents provided in the article No. 2.8 of this Regulation.
2.11. Constructions of registered vehicles should be conformable with effective standards, rules and norms concerning traffic security and environmental protection.
It shall be prohibited to import to the Azerbaijan Republic and register transport vehicles with the driver’s seat on the right side.
2.12. If vehicles, freely installed and produced according to the article No. 2.11 of this Regulation, are compliant with an opinion of an technical control commission of the "Motorist" cooperation and "Technical requirements for individually manufactured vehicles" agreed with STP Department under the documents affirming lawfulness of purchasing aggregates, sets (assemblies), parts and materials in the name of vehicle owners, these vehicles is registered in the order specified in the article No. 2.8 of this Regulation. It is impermissible to assemble vehicles from spare parts of certain type vehicles produced by a manufacturing plant or repaired parts when vehicles are retired.
2.13. Vehicles, won by citizens when lottery is held during sport events at sport palaces, stadiums and in other cases, are registered in the order specified in the article No. 2.8 of this Regulation under a final invoice given by a shop. The opposite side of a final invoice is filled by members of a lottery commission and data on a person who has won an auto motor vehicle are written on this side and this final invoice is signed by and confirmed by a seal of a chair of a lottery commission and leadership of an institution holding an event.
2.14. Vehicles (confiscated, or unowned) sold by corresponding state authorities by means of commission commercial shops are registered in the order specified in the article No. 2.8 of this Regulation under a court decision (decree) or decisions of other competent state agencies and a final invoice of a shop. "The vehicle has been accepted and sold without its registration certificate" should be written in a final invoice given to a buyer and this note should be attested by a store manager's sign and seal in the absence of registration documents of a vehicle imported to a commission shop from financial or other state bodies.
2.15. Registration certificates and state registration signs, with a "Test" mark on them, are issued for not more than a one-year period to vehicles which have undergone control test in compliance with technical conditions of manufacturing and auto repair plants.
2.16. Registration certificates and state registration signs with a "Test" mark on them are issued during registration of vehicles passing a test, with test sample. Conformity of a vehicle with the security conditions provided in the requirements list and an expert opinion of a manufacturing enterprise on its being allowed to testing are taken as a ground for registration.
2.17. A vehicle, imported to the Azerbaijan Republic without being withdrawal from permanent registration of a country where it has been registered, is provided with registration certificates and signs by being temporarily registered in the name of its owner under a permission document given by customs authorities. A permanent certificate is given to the previous registration place of a vehicle after receiving due confirmatory answer to the request given by a body realizing state registration via "Interpol" National Central Bureau of the Azerbaijan Republic. An appropriate consul certificate is presented to registration authorities when removal of a vehicle from the previous registration place is carried out by foreign embassy and consular representations in the Azerbaijan Republic.
Note: Vehicles, brought to the Azerbaijan Republic by refugees, IDPs and other persons before entry into force of the Law of the Azerbaijani Republic "On Road Traffic" and legislative acts on customs affairs, are registered under documents confirming their ownership and proper information is sent to a permanent registration place in this regard.
2.18. The vehicles of foreigners temporarily and permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, including representations and branches of foreign legal entities are registered on general grounds.
3. Registration features of vehicles belonging to diplomatic missions and consulates, international organizations with the status (immunity) of diplomatic missions, as well as their diplomatic staff and family members of these personnel
3.1. Diplomatic missions and consulates of foreign countries operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan, international organizations with the status (immunity) of diplomatic missions, including their diplomatic staff and family members of these personnel apply to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic for the registration of their service and personal vehicles.
3.2. A registration certificate and state registration plate for "D" series are submitted to the service and personal vehicles of diplomatic missions and consulates of foreign countries operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan, international organizations with the status (immunity) of diplomatic missions, including their diplomatic staff and family members of these personnel.
3.3. The state registration plate for "T" series is submitted to the administrative-technical and service staff of diplomatic missions and consulates, international organizations with the status (immunity) of diplomatic missions and their family members.
3.4. The state registration plate for “FK” series is submitted to the vehicles of Honorary Consulates.
4. Re-registration of transport vehicles
4.1. Transport vehicles shall undergo re-registration in the following cases:
1) change of residence of a private individual or location of a legal entity;
2) change of owner of a transport vehicle;
3) change of surname, name and patronymic of the owner;
4) change of type or model of the transport vehicle following its re-equipping and replacement of assembly units.
4.2. In the event of change of residence of a private individual or location of a legal entity, re-registration of transport vehicles is conducted on the basis of the owner’s application in an order described in Paragraph 2.8 of the present Regulations.
4.2-1. When applying for re-state registration of a vehicle provided for in subitem 1 of Paragraph 1.2 of this Regulation in another region, registration of a vehicle in a new region cancels the state registration of the previous region.
4.3. In the event of change of the owner of a transport vehicle, re-registration is conducted on the basis of the owner’s application and one of the documents listed in Paragraph 2.9 of the present Regulations in an order described in Paragraph 2.8.
In the event of death of the owner of the transport vehicle, if the agreement on donation issued on his behalf is notarized, registration of the transport vehicle in the name of a new owner shall be allowed against the provision of the donation agreement, death certificate of the previous owner or a notarized copy of the certificate.
4.3-1. When approving a lease or other property rights agreement or a power of attorney for the right to use or dispose of a vehicle, the notary shall immediately send to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan the information on the approval of the contract or power of attorney, as well as the information provided for in Paragraph 2.8-3 of this Regulation. Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan sends the information to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic within 1 (one) day by using technical means. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic conducts the re-registration of vehicles wihin 3 (three) days based on the received information and adds the relevant information to the official register of real estate.
If a lease or other property rights agreement of vehicle is not approved by the notary, re-registration is conducted based on the general order provided by this Regulation.
4.4. In the event of change of surname, name and middle name of the owner, re-registration of a transport vehicle shall be conducted on the basis of the marriage certificate (copy) or other documents issued by district (city) registration offices of the Ministry of Justice or consulates of the Azerbaijan Republic abroad in an order described in Paragraph 2.8 of the present Regulation.
4.5. Re-registration of transport vehicles fitted with equipment and re-equipped or with replaced assembly units shall be conducted on the following basis:
permission for equipping and re-equipping issued by an appropriate body conducting state registration of transport vehicles;
technical passport with a note on equipping and re-equipping at a motor-car factory (enterprise), registration certificate (with date of new assembly, numbers of the supplied body, chassis and engine);
acceptance certificate on equipping and re-equipping of the transport vehicle and its acceptance;
document confirming equipping and re-equipping and payment receipt for the work done;
and other documents stipulated under Paragraph 2.8.
Note. Besides the documents listed in Paragraph 2.9 of the present Regulations, the documents confirming legality of the acquisition of other assembly units shall be: commodity receipts (labels) from retail and commission shops or technical service stations selling units and parts; receipt issued in addition to the petty cash receipt, and a receipt confirming sale (release) of parts issued by enterprises.
4.6. Peculiarities of equipping, re-equipping and replacing assembly units:
1) Equipping and re-equipping leading to a change in the type of a transport vehicle shall not be allowed;
2) Equipping and re-equipping of transport vehicles of one type into another may be conducted by car service shops, motor-car factories, automobile transport enterprises and other enterprises dealing with repairs of transport vehicles.
The transfer of cars to front-wheel drive and vice versa, as well as the replacement of car bodies of other cars with similar ones shall be allowed within the technical specifications of the manufacturer only at car service centers;
3) The replacement of the body and assembly unit of a transport vehicle of the same model shall be allowed to enterprise mentioned in Paragraph 2 of this provision and to the owner of the transport vehicle;
4) It is allowed to install the engine and frame of transport vehicles of one and the same model within technical specifications. In other cases replacement may be conducted on recommendation of the manufacturer or on the basis of a conclusion of a Scientific Organization on the Safety of Traffic.
The engines of cars of different models shall not be replaced. As a matter of exception, the engine of a particular model can be installed on another model. If so, engines shall meet the following requirements: power, crankshaft rotation frequency, mass, body size shall be similar to the same parameters of firm engines, it shall be securely fixed on the car, transmission and communications shall be tightly connected, the operation of the steering and breaking systems shall be ensured;
5) The assembly units of transport vehicles (body, engine, frame, engine block) during equipping and re-equipping shall remain at the disposal of owners and may be used at their discretion. On the basis of a certificate issued by bodies conducting state registration of transport vehicles, the owner of the transport vehicle may sell these assembly units through commission or retail shops to another person or present them in a notarized manner;
6) Transport vehicles owned by handicapped citizens may be shifted from ordinary to manual operation if their drivers do not have medical contra indications to operate such transport vehicles and the reliability of the installed operating system has been verified. Manual operation systems shall be installed at car service centers.
4.7. Order for registering replacements:
1) In the event of equipping and re-equipping of a transport vehicle, its owner shall receive a new registration certificate specifying the new model, chassis, frame, body and engine number. The Reason for Registration section shall state that equipping and re-equipping were carried out from the previous model (name of the previous model is stated) and the series and number of the previous registration document. The Year of Manufacture section of the certificate shall state the year in which the transport vehicle was equipped and re-equipped;
2) In the event of replacement of the body, engine and frame without changing the model or modification of the transport vehicle, as well as the replacement of the body of the truck, registration information shall be provided on the basis of documents confirming legality of acquisition and a new registration certificate shall be issued indicating the date of replacement, factory marking or, if there is documentary evidence, the year of manufacture of the assembly unit.
3) Transport vehicles changed for operation on liquefied gas shall undergo re-registration on the basis of the certificate submitted by the owner on compliance of the transport vehicle with technical requirements and other documents established by the present Regulations.
4) Re-registration may apply to trucks equipped at motor-car factories, manufacturing enterprises, car service centers and major motor-car centers possessing appropriate technological equipment and resources to implement the tasks listed on the register approved by relevant ministries and departments. The vehicles shall be equipped with the compressed gas system for use as engine fuel if the fuel supply system has passed compressed air trials at testing stations (testing camps) of the “Avtonagliyyat” State Company.
The document confirming that motor cars with equipped, re-equipped and tested motor system which was changed from petrol to compressed natural gas and are in line with technical specifications after replacement and tests is the acceptance certificate which serves as the basis for re-registration of vehicles equipped and re-equipped to operate with compressed gas. Newly assembled motor cars shall be awarded new indices.
5) The transport vehicles whose owner has been changes and which have been taken outside the territory of bodies conducting state registration of transport vehicles shall undergo re-registration at a new place of registration.
6) If the donation agreement or the inheritance certificate state several persons, the transport vehicle being donated or inherited shall be registered in the name of one of them on written consent of all owners.
The re-registration of a transport vehicle from one spouse to the other shall be allowed on the basis of the joint application and the statement of the notary office which provides the ownership rights to a part of common property.
5. Withdrawing the registration of a transport vehicle
5.1. The transport vehicle is withdrawn by the bodies provided for in Paragraph 1.2 of this Regulation in the following cases:
1) In case of change of residence of the owner of the transport vehicle and if the new residence is located outside the territory of bodies conducting state registration, and in cases associated with changing the place of registration;
2) in case of termination of the ownership right to the transport vehicle or transfer of the transport vehicle to another person;
3) in case of damage to the transport vehicle.
5.2. Relevant notes shall be made in the registration certificate of the transport vehicle to confirm surrender of state license plate number, reason with withdrawal and issue of «transit» plate number (except for item 3 in Paragraph 5.1.).
If the registration of a transport vehicle is being withdrawn due to damage, the registration certificate and state license plate number shall be submitted to the registering station. On the owner’s wish, he/she can receive a certificate in the form described in item 5 of Paragraph 4.6.
Note. The registration of damaged transport vehicles of legal entities shall be withdrawn on the basis of a certificate approved by these organizations.
5.3. Registration of transport vehicles may be withdrawn on the basis of a court decision or ruling on a crime or another offense by other competent bodies adopted in line with applicable legislative acts.
Temporary restrictions on withdrawing the registration of transport vehicle and alteration of ownership rights for a transport vehicle may be imposed on the decision of the mentioned official bodies.
5.4. Withdrawing the registration of transport vehicles for hand over to motor-car maintenance center shall be conducted in line with the applicable order. In this case, state license plate numbers and registration certificates shall be submitted to the body conducting state registration of transport vehicles. The body will issue a certificate to the owner in line with the established form.
5.5. If the registration of a transport vehicle is being withdrawn due to the change of the owner, the registration certificate shall indicate the place where the previous owner left and the full name of the new owner.
5.6. The registration of a transport vehicle earlier imported from abroad may be withdrawn with the aim of alienation only provided its owner has a document confirming complete payment of taxes and duties relating to alienation. The document shall be issued by customs bodies, while for manually operated transport vehicles a permitting document shall be obtained with the mediation of social security bodies.
6. Temporary withdrawal or registration of transport vehicles
6.1. The transport vehicles imported to the Azerbaijan Republic for a period of up to 30 days without withdrawal of their registration in foreign countries shall be immediately put on temporary register of the State Traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic located near a border checkpoint of the Azerbaijan Republic. Owners of such transport vehicles shall receive a document for a period of up to 30 days (Attachment 3 to the Regulation).
6.2. The transport vehicles imported to the Azerbaijan Republic for a period of more than 30 days without withdrawal of their permanent registration in foreign countries shall undergo temporary state registration on the basis of the owner’s liability on return and a permitting document issued by customs bodies. Temporary registration shall be conducted at the body envisaged under Paragraph 1.2 of the present regulations for a period indicated in the owner’s visa, while for citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic for the duration of the liability but not longer than one year. Foreign license plate numbers and documents shall be taken over temporarily. They shall be exchanged for temporary state license plate numbers and the registration certificate. When departing from the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic foreign registration documents and license plate numbers shall be returned to the owner of the transport vehicle.
6.3. To conduct temporary state registration of transport vehicles imported to the Azerbaijan Republic without withdrawal of registration in foreign states, their owners or other authorized persons shall submit the following to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic:
1) Registration certificate of the transport vehicle;
2) ID card of a citizen of the Azerbaijan Republic (certificate on registration of a foreign citizen on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic or an ID card of the person without citizenship for use in the Azerbaijan Republic);
3) receipt confirming payment of duties and taxes, or payments established by legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic;
4) excluded;
5) temporary permitting documents from customs bodies.
6.4. In the event of hand-over of the transport vehicle registered on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic to another person on the basis of lease or other property rights agreement, power of attorney, etc., the said documents shall undergo registration within 10 days at the body specified in items 1-5 of Paragraph 1.2 of the present Regulation in the manner provided for in paragraph 4.3-1.
7. Temporary road traffic permit for transport vehicles without state registration
7.1. The transport vehicles temporarily allowed access to road traffic shall have «transit» license plate number comprised of figures as established for the Azerbaijan Republic.
7.2. «Transit» license plate numbers shall be issued to:
transport vehicles proceeding from the manufacturer, motor-car factories, customs bodies and commercial organizations to the place of registration;
transport vehicle being withdrawn from registration for departure to another location or hand-over to commercial organizations;
transport vehicle being transported to car service center or motor car factory for equipping and re-equipping into another model.
7.3. The registration certificate on the issue of «transit» license plate number or documents confirming the purchase of the transport vehicle shall contain relevant notes.
7.4. «Transit» license plate numbers shall be considered registered high-security forms and equal to state plate numbers.
The State Traffic Police of the MIA of the Azerbaijan Republic shall issue the required number of «transit» license plate numbers to manufacturers, enterprises trading in transport vehicles, retail shops and its registration stations.
7.5. During the registration of a transport vehicle its «transit» license plate number shall be submitted to the body conducting state registration of transport vehicles. «Transit» license plate numbers issued to the owner by the registering body for delivery of the transport vehicle to a commission shop shall be withdrawn by the shop and subsequently destroyed. This is accompanied by the writing of a certificate in the presence of employees of the registration unit of the STPD of the MIA of Azerbaijan Republic.
8. Registration certificate of a transport vehicle
8.1. The registration certificate of a transport vehicle shall be issued in the form and in line with the rules established by Article 28 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “on Traffic”.
8.2. In case of loss of the registration certificate of a transport vehicle, the owner of the transport vehicle or another authorized person applies to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the loss of the previous certificate in order to receive a duplicate.
9. State license plate numbers of a transport vehicle
9.1. The state license plate number of a transport vehicle shall be prepared and issued in an order established by Article 29 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic on Traffic.
9.2. According to State Standard of the Azerbaijan Republic AZS-599-2011, «Number plates, types and main sizes of transport vehicles and their trailers and technical requirements for them», state license plate numbers may be of the following colors depending on the method of their application:
1) red - for transport vehicles of diplomatic and equal organizations and their employees;
2) excluded;
3) blue - for transport vehicles used in passenger transportation;
4) black - for transport vehicles temporarily imported from foreign states by individuals and legal entities of the Azerbaijan Republic and temporarily registered by the state;
5) White - for all other transport vehicles except for those listed in items 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the present paragraph.
Note. «Transit» number plates of transport vehicles shall have a green line.
10. In case of discovery of signs of fraud in state license plate numbers, registration certificates and other documents submitted, as well as change of engine, body and chassis numbers, presence of information on discrepancy between the numbers of assembly units and registration documentation, or the fact that transport vehicles or documents are on the wanted list, such documents and transport vehicles shall be detained for investigations.
11. For breaching the present rules owners of transport vehicles shall bear responsibility in an order established by legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.
12. The register and computer database on permanent state registration of transport vehicles, issue of the registration certificate for the transport vehicle and state license plate numbers shall be kept at all times, while archive documents which serves as a basis for registration activities for five years.
The account of transport vehicles, file-keeping pertaining to registration activities, preparation, distribution, storage, control over registration certificates, state license plate numbers and other special products shall be regulated by additional instructions approved by bodies indicated in Paragraph 1.2 in line with the present Regulations.
13. To conduct state registration of a transport vehicle, put it on permanent or temporary register, issue the registration certificate or state license plate numbers, it shall be prohibited to require the owner of a transport vehicle to submit documents in addition to those envisaged by the present Regulations.
14. In case of refusal of a registering body to register a transport vehicle, the owner of the transport vehicle shall be informed of the reasons for the refusal in writing.
15. Senior officials of registering bodies shall be held accountable in line with applicable legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic for requiring owners of transport vehicles to submit documents in addition to those established by the present regulations to conduct state registration of the transport vehicle, to issue the registration certificate or the license plate number, for delaying the registration or withdrawal of the registration of transport vehicles and for an unfounded refusal to resolve the above issues.
16. The owner of a transport vehicle may file an administrative complaint or a legal suit for the delay in registration or withdrawal of the registration of a transport vehicle or for the refusal to conduct registration activities.
The rates of state duties are defined as follows for the issuance of registration plates established by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Duty":
Based on the combination of numbers or letters prescribed in the state registration plate:
Combination of numbers prescribed in the state registration plate: Amount of state duty (manat)
If the series consists of different letters If the series consists of the same letters
001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009 1500 2500
100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 1000 1500
111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999 500 1000
for re-issuance of the state registration plate, as well as issuance of other state registration plates, including a combination of numbers or letters shown in the table section - 22 manat.
- Normative documents
- Vehicle registration