Informations 07 01 2025Y

Appeal of the Main State Traffic Police Department to traffic participants in connection with unstable weather conditions

A driver’s documents

Driving license
(Excerpt from the Law “On traffic rules”)
Driving license is a document authorising the bearer to drive a motor vehicle.

Depending on the types of motor vehicles, driving licenses issued in the Republic of Azerbaijan include the followings:

o    Motorcycle, automobile, tram and trolleybus;
o    Tractor and other motor vehicles.

Irrespective of the type of driving licenses, each driving license is provided with insignia within an ellipsis symbol distinguishing the international traffic of the Azerbaijan Republic i.e. “AZ”, and figured information as indicated below:

o    surname of owner;
o    name and patronymic of owner;
o    date and place of birth of owner;
o    place of residence of owner;
o    name of body issued driving license;
o    date and place of issuance of driving license;
o    date of expiration of driving license;
o    driving license number;
o    signature of official, stamp or seal of body issued driving license;
o    blood group and signature of owner;
o    nota bene.

In driving licenses issued for driving automobiles and motorcycles, in addition to the information intended in the third part of this article, the following categories of motor vehicles concerned of the force of right to drive are indicated:

•    “A1” – for motorcycles with the engine capacity of no more than 125 cubic centimetres and engine power of no more than 11 kW;
•    “A” – for all types of motorcycles
“B” – for the following types of motor vehicles:
automobiles not included in “A” category, with an admissible maximum weight of no more than 3.500 kg, and number of seats not exceeding 8 besides the driver’s seat;
•    “B” category automobiles with the harness of an admissible maximum weight of 750 kg;
•    Automobiles of “B” category with the harness of an admissible maximum weight of more than 750 kg, not surpassing a car loadless weight, and not outnumbering an admissible maximum weight of 3500 kg of such a structure;
•    Automobiles not included in the categories of “C” – “D”, with an admissible maximum weight of more than 3.500 kg, as well as “C” category automobiles with the harness of an admissible maximum weight of no more than 750 kg;
•    Automobiles of “D” category intended for passenger transport, with the number of seats of more than 8 besides the driver’s seat, and harness of an admissible maximum weight of no more than 750 kg;
•    “BE” - “B” category automobiles with the harness of an admissible maximum weight exceeding 750 kg, and more than  car loadless weight, and “B” category automobiles with the harness of an admissible maximum weight of 750 kg and an admissible maximum weight of more than 3500 kg of such a structure;
•    “CE” – automobiles of “C” category with the harness of an admissible maximum weight of more than 750 kg;
•    “DE” – automobiles of “D” category with the harness of an admissible maximum weight of more than 750 kg;
•    “Tram” – for driving trams;
•    “Trolleybus” – for driving trolleybuses.

Validity period of driving license is as follows:

o    For persons reaching the age of 60 - 10 years;
o    For persons with the age of 60 and more – period until the age of 70;
o    For persons with the age of 70 and more - 2 years;
o    For persons enduring diseases listed by certain executive body of the Republic of Azerbaijan – period indicated in medical certificate submitted, but no more than 2 years.

The name of driving license shall be written in the official language of the Azerbaijan Republic i.e. Azerbaijani and French ("Permis de conduire"), while the data indicated in the paragraphs № 1 and № 11 of the third part of this article in Azerbaijani and English, and other data in Azerbaijani.
Driving license owner is liable to keep driving license firm.

Unexpired driving licenses issued by authoritative bodies of foreign countries based on the international standards are effective in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Driver’s license


Vehicle Registration Certificate
Vehicle registration certificate is a single document confirming data on motor vehicle and its owner in traffic in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and beyond its borders. Vehicle registration certificate is provided with an insignia distinguishing the international traffic of the Azerbaijan Republic i.e. “AZ” within an ellipsis symbol, along with a name of body issuing certificate, date of issuance and the following data:

o    vehicle registration number - "A" ;
o    year of release or date of first registration of motor vehicle - "B";
o    surname, name, patronymic and place of residence of motor vehicle owner - "C";
o    name or mark of vehicle manufacturer - "D";
o    engine, hull and chassis number and colour of motor vehicle - "E";
o    admissible maximum weight of motor vehicle (only for van) - "F";
o    loadless weight of motor vehicle (only for cargo vehicle) - "G";
o    validity period of vehicle registration certificate (if this period is limited on the basis defined by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan) - "N".

Vehicle registration certificate shall be written in the official language of the Republic of Azerbaijan i.e. Azeri and French ("Certificat dimmatriculation"), while the data indicated in the paragraphs № 1 and № 8 of the first part of this article in Azerbaijani and English, and other data in Azerbaijani.

In the event of registration of motor vehicle, motor vehicle owner is provided with vehicle registration certificate by the body intended in the second part of the article № 27 of this law. A fee for the issuance of vehicle registration certificate is paid in a sum determined by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.

In case the surname, name, patronymic of motor vehicle owner is changed, vehicle registration certificate issued is lost or becomes invalid the vehicle registration certificate is replaced in accordance with the third part of this article. In order to get a duplicate of vehicle registration certificate, its owner or another person holding the right to give order shall submit an appropriate reference of certain executive body on the loss of previous registration certificate.

In case the vehicle registration certificate is inexactly written by the body indicated in the second part of the article № 27 of this law, vehicle registration certificate shall be replaced at the expense of certain public authority without payment by motor vehicle owner.

Centralised registration of the data in vehicle registration certificate is provided by certain executive bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan indicated in the second and third part of the article № 27 of this law.


Issuance and change of driving license
Every person intending to get the driving license indicated in the article № 33 of this law shall:

o    get training on the preparation of drivers of certain category motor vehicles for the period purported in education plans and programs;
o    take a theory test on traffic rules, and practice test on skills of vehicle driving; and
o    pay fee in the sum specified by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Any person intending to get driving license shall apply to certain executive body of the Republic of Azerbaijan by submitting an application which includes the following documents:
o    identity card of citizen of the Azerbaijan  Republic (document on registration of foreigner in the Republic of Azerbaijan or ID of non-citizen for the use within the borders of the Azerbaijan Republic);
o    document of educational institution on the training for the period indicated in education plans and programs in regard to the preparation of certain category motor vehicle drivers, or document on the registration in certain executive body of the Republic of Azerbaijan concerning the independent preparation;
o    medical certificate in the form approved by certain executive body of the Republic of Azerbaijan; and
o    payment receipt for the issuance of driving license.

Certain executive body of the Azerbaijan Republic checks the documents indicated in the second part of this article the same day when entered for the issuance of driving license, and based on the data reflected in those documents, admission to the theory test on traffic rules and practice test on skills of vehicle driving is succeeded.
Alumni meeting the requirements of age and health condition determined by this law:
o    attending the courses of drivers’ training and their qualify
o    studying at high and higher educational institutions intended for cadre training on the speciality of motor vehicles, and
o    persons independently prepared for exams on the basis specified by certain executive body of the Azerbaijan Republic, are allowed to theory exams on traffic rules and practice exams on vehicle driving within 10 days upon the entrance of their applications to certain executive body of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Driving license is provided to those passed theory tests on traffic rules and practice tests on vehicle driving at the exam-registration points of certain executive body of the Republic of Azerbaijan within a day. Issuance of driving license is carried out in conformity with the statute “On admission of exams from persons intending to get driving license authorising the driving of motor vehicles defined by certain executive body of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and issuance of driving license ".

Driving license is allowed to be changed under the following conditions:
o    expiration of driving license;
o    change of surname, name or patronymic of owner of driving license;
o    determination of inexactitude in typing of driving license;
o    becoming invalid of driving license;
o    loss of driving license; and
o    replacement of driving licenses as a result of approval of new sample of driving license based on this law.

Replacement of driving license is conducted by certain executive body of the Republic of Azerbaijan within a day based on the application of its owner by keeping all previous categories and without taking a test.

A fee in a sum specified by certain executive body of the Republic of Azerbaijan is paid for the replacement of driving license except the condition indicated in the paragraph № 3 of sixth part of this article. A fine in a sum defined by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan is imposed for the replacement of driving license in the event of its loss.

Replacement of driving license for the purpose of the change of categories is implemented based on the rules indicated in the first and fourth part of this article.
The data in the driving licenses issued by certain executive body of the Azerbaijan Republic are required to be registered on a centralised basis.

Any person facing the inconsideration or procrastination of the application on the issuance or replacement of driving license, or rejection of his/her allowance to theory test on traffic rules and practice test on skills of vehicle driving, reserves the right to appeal to court.

Those accused of inconsideration or delay of the application on the issuance or replacement of driving license, baseless refusal of an allowance to theory test on traffic rules and practice test on skills of vehicle driving, as well as intentional impairment, stealth, illegal set-up, falsification, sale or illicit use of driving license contrary to the requirements of this law, bear responsibility based on the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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