Informations 07 01 2025Y

Appeal of the Main State Traffic Police Department to traffic participants in connection with unstable weather conditions

A driver’s obligations

I. Mechanical transport vehicle driver has to:
1) to keep a driving license (if not being an owner of private transport vehicle, the driver's lease or other property rights agreement, a power of attorney giving a right to drive a transport vehicle and confirmed in a defined manner or a certificate on general ownership for transport vehicle); a special reference substituting a driving license if it has been taken by due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic in a defined manner; a registration certificate of a transport vehicle; a certificate of tachograph inspection in respect of vehicles carrying out the transportation provided for in Part I of Article 6-1 of this Law (if the tachograph inspection seal is not affixed), compulsory motor third party liability insurance and compulsory insurance certificate confirming the conclusion of an individual accident insurance contract for passengers transported by motor vehicles in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Compulsory Insurance”; an insurance certificate, confirming compulsory insurance agreement of transport vehicle owner’s civil responsibility being concluded according to the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic; a special  consent or road (route) leaflet and documents concerning transported load in case of using transport vehicles for commercial purposes.
2) in case of stopping transport vehicle on the demand of the worker of execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic, after his coming up, to present him documents, mentioned in item 1 of the 1st part of the article, for checking and to get out from transport on same worker’s demand, if necessary;
3) before starting way, to check transport vehicle being in good technical condition according to the Annex 1 to the present Law on transport vehicles admission to using and to ensure its being such all over the road;
4) to drive a transport vehicle at speed not exceeding defined limit, taking into account the traffic condition, peculiarities of transport vehicle and transported load.
5) while making manoeuvres concerning change of motion strip, turning, overtaking, starting to move and stopping, to warn other traffic participants by means of external light signals or if not having them - by hand gestures;
6) while going by transport vehicle equipped with safety belts intended in their construction, to fasten belts and ensure passengers fastening belts too (children under 12 years old, drivers making manoeuvre on turning back, pregnant women, trainer while trained person driving a transport vehicle; in settlements  additionally operative transport vehicle drivers and passengers are allowed not to fasten safety belts) as well while going by motorcycle to fasten a motor-helmet and ensure passengers fastening motor-helmets too;
7) in case of coming up of the transport vehicle having superior right of passing  and giving a sign by twinkling red or blue light or special sound signal, to switch on a right turning light indicator, to empty a strip for same transport vehicle or to drive near side of road as close as possible as well to stop a transport vehicle, if necessary, and not to go after organized group of vehicles accompanied by a transport vehicle having superior right of passing and giving a sign by twinkling red or blue light or special sound signal.
8) not to drive a transport vehicle while being sick and weary because of having alcohol, narcotics, psychotropic substances or other things of powerful influence or drugs causing reduce of attention and agility what is dangerous for traffic as well not to give a right to drive a transport vehicle to another person being in such state or person not having a right to drive same category (subcategory) transport vehicle.
9) while driving a transport vehicle when there is water and mud on road, to try not to splash them over pedestrians, buildings and other transport vehicles;
10) to ensure going transport vehicle being kept in clearness for state registration number being well seen;
11) to take all possible measures for ensuring safety motion of undefended traffic participants – children, persons with disabilities, bicycle drivers and old men as well to have to stop immediately a transport vehicle on sign (sign is a raising of white hand-stick) of blind pedestrian passing a road;
12) to stop a transport vehicle on a sign given by a worker of due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic having on right hand horizontal baton or twinkling red and blue light being on policy transport vehicle or special sound signal;
13) to pass inspection on demand of the workers of execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic for checking of being drunkard in the result of having alcohol, narcotics, psychotropic substances and their analogues or other things of strong influence;
14) to pass medical inspection in defined cases for confirming ability to drive a transport vehicle;
15) to transport persons needing urgent medical help.

II. Transport vehicle owner, not having documents defined by this article, bears responsibility in a manner defined by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.

III. Mechanical transport vehicles have to be presented for:

1) providing with urgent medical help of medical workers going in same direction;
2) transportation (only trucks) of transport vehicles damaged in the result of traffic accidents or because of uselessness; getting to natural disaster places; as well as in other urgent cases provided by law for execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic in other urgent cases intended by valid legislation.
Note: 1) requirement concerning presenting of transport vehicles for purposes intended in the third part of this article does not refer to transport vehicles belonging to diplomatic corpus and other persons; 2) persons, having used a transport vehicle, has to submit a reference on driven period of time, driven distance, his surname, job, official card number, name of organization where he works or notes have to be done in his road leaflet; as for medical workers, they have to submit to a driver a reference in a defined pattern. 3) expenses related to the provision of a vehicle to an employee of the relevant executive authority of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be reimbursed by these bodies in accordance with the procedure established at the request of the vehicle owner.

IV. During transport accident a mechanical transport vehicle driver has:
1) not to move a transport vehicle from its place, construct emergency stopping place, switch on light signals or put a torch with twinkling red light, not to change place of things referring to the accident;
2) to take all possible measures for first medical help to injurers,call an ambulance; in case of injurers having dangerous for life damage, to take them to nearest medical point by means of any transport vehicle going in same direction; if it’s being not possible, to take an injurer by his own transport vehicle to medical point, submit there his/her ID document or card, registration certificate of transport vehicle and inform his surname, registration number sign of transport vehicle, then turn back to the place of accident;
3) to empty an active part of the road if other transport vehicles motion is not possible. If there is a need to empty an active part of the road or transport injurers to medical point by his own transport vehicle, firstly to note state of damaged transport vehicle, signs and thing concerning the accident with the participation of witnesses as well to take all possible measures to organize their guard and other transport vehicles passing near place of accident;
4) to inform about traffic accident due executive authorities bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic, write witnesses’ names and addresses, wait until worker of due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic comes;
5) If nobody has been damaged in the result of traffic accident, financial loss is being insignificant, there is no any disorder in transport vehicles and obstacle for their motion, traffic accident makers reach an agreement after appreciating situation, to work out and sign a traffic accident scheme and go to due executive authority body of the Azerbaijan Republic for documenting an accident in a defined manner.

V. Mechanical transport vehicle driver is not allowed:
1) to move a transport vehicle from its place with its doors being open or open doors during transport vehicle motion;
2) to  use a mobile phone keeping it on hand during driving a transport vehicle;  
3) to let free a steering from hand during driving or to drive a transport vehicle sluggishly with its engine being turned off;
4) to drive a transport vehicle on roads with improved cover in case of transport vehicle’s wheels and body having on rubbish and mud or fuel-lubricants, chemical substances, building and other materials flowing from them.
VI. While participation in International traffic, mechanical transport vehicle driver has:   
1) to keep on hand a registration certificate of transport vehicle, a driving license  and documents concerning transported load;
2) to have a state registration  number of state issuing it and differentiating number   on transport vehicle;
3) To carry out duties provided for in Part I of Article 6-1 of this Law.

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